Llandudno Seminars 2025
Our Seminars
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09:00 - 09:50
Using Vibrant Quality Circle Times to Promote Child Wellbeing in Positive, Calm Classrooms
Schools in Wales reported that children’s reading and writing skills had regressed post-Covid. Literacy skills, conversational confidence, turn-taking, tolerance and reading non-verbal cues had been impacted by lockdowns and closures. Read more....
09:00 - 09:50
SEN Seminar
Teaching and Learning in a Neurodiverse World
During this session, Nina Jackson, a neurodiverse educator herself, will guide you, share strategies, skills and ideas to support teaching and learning in a neurodiverse world. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Making The Most Of The Internet As A Teacher
In the session Mr P will share and demonstrate a wealth of free tools available for teachers to use to enhance learning in the classroom.
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Mr P (Lee Parkinson)
09:00 - 09:50
SEN Seminar
Supporting children and young people with ADHD in school- the principal overarching strategies.
The session will explore the principal strategies of engagement, movement, supporting Working Memory and Variable attention and how we can support theses in classroom settings to achieve good outcomes for learners with ADHD. The session will link each strategy to the neuro cognitive profiles of ADHD, including gender.
09:00 - 09:50
Coaching at heart of Organisational health and well-being
Developing a coaching culture will have the most positive impact on people working in schools and ultimately the children and their families. Coaching leaders and developing coaching in schools is a powerful way to equip people with the autonomy they need to shape the educational landscape where they work. In this interactive workshop, Julie will engage you in the art of coaching. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
2025 vision: Confidence, engagement and noticefulness
In this session, with a mix of practical ideas and deep thinking, ‘Forget School’ author Martin Illingworth provides an insight into the ways that teachers can become more focused upon supporting young people to see the beauty of their lives now and their potential in entering the rapidly changing world of the twenty-first century. Read more...
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Martin Illingworth
09:00 - 09:50
Wrexham AFC Primary Dragons: Sharing good practice
Wrexham AFC Football Trust have worked in partnership with Achieve More Training, Youth Sport Trust and Active Wrexham to use the recent global publicity to make a difference to the local communities of Wrexham through school engagement. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Building Bridges: Strategies for Educators to Forge Positive Parental Partnerships
This session empowers educators and school leaders with strategies to enhance parental partnerships in education, promoting student success in line with national policies. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Deall Dyslecsia mewn dysgwyr hŷn.
Cyfle i roi eich hun yn ‘sgidiau dysgwyr â Dyslecsia a chanolbwyntio ar arddulliau i hwyluso’r dysgu.
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Lowri Thomas, Mathew Williams
09:00 - 09:50
Practical ideas for training colleagues new to middle leadership
Many teachers secure promotion to middle leadership positions due to their prowess in the classroom, rather than their experience and knowledge of leadership and management. This seminar seeks to outline what a good in-house leadership training programme should look like. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
The Importance of Play and Playgrounds for All Children
Jenny will highlight key common issues that are found in playgrounds and ways of encouraging healthy, active play, good communication between supervisors and children and ideas that children can help to take responsibility for their behaviour and support the problem-solving process to finding solutions to playground issues. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
Finding the Fizz – Pedagogy, Practice, Emotional Well-being, Hope and Happiness.
Nina Jackson will inspire you to be the best you can be and ways to help children and young people find their fizz in learning. This will be an interactive, practical day filled with joy, celebration, understanding self and others. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
Working Smarter Not Harder: Embracing AI to support teaching and learning in the classroom.
This session will involve Mr P sharing and demonstrating effective ways AI can help and support teachers in the classroom.
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Mr P (Lee Parkinson)
10:30 - 11:20
SEN Seminar
Understanding and Supporting ADHD
Given the significant increase in the diagnosis of AuDHD, the session will explore this dual diagnosis and the impact this can have on children and young people in schools. The session will explore the principal strategies to support children and young people with this dual diagnosis.
10:30 - 11:20
Staff morale: Are your staff really motivated?
This seminar will interrogate a number of motivational theories to seek out strategies that we can use in schools to create and sustain motivation among staff. Along the way, we will examine the role that organizational culture plays in motivation, together with ways to achieve staff ownership of improvement planning. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
SEN Seminar
Where Words Fail Music Speaks
Music therapy is a tool that can support children with mental health difficulties through expressing emotions through music or other creative activities where words lack or feel too difficult. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
Transforming Education with Mental Fitness
In this high-energy session, you'll learn practical techniques to rewire your brain for positivity and resilience. Get ready to crush those inner critics holding you back! Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
GONGONEDDUS – Therapi Sain
Trochfa Sain / Gong bath Dewch i ymuno a Leisa Mererid am sesiwn ymlaciol yng nghwmni'r gongs. Darllen mwy...
10:30 - 11:20
SEN Seminar
Why Trauma-Informed Settings are Essential
The seminar will outline how to develop school practice and capacity to support mental health, for children and adults in all services and walks of life.  Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
Dilyn Diddordeb y Plentyn – cyn cam cynnydd 1.
Yn ystod y seminar hwn byddwn yn edrych ar; Sut mae lleoliadau blynyddoedd cynnar yn rhoi’r plentyn yn y canol a defnyddio eu diddordebau i gefnogi eu datblygiad. Rhoi profiadau dilys a phwrpasol i blant bach Sut all ysgolion ddefnyddio’r profiadau i gefnogi plant meithrin Rhannu arferion da a syniadau
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Kayleigh Bickford
10:30 - 11:20 - 12:00 - 12:50 - 13:30 - 14:20
Games Galore!
Our workshop will guide you through adapting some of our simple outdoor games to cover any number of themes and Areas of Learning and Experience. Read more...
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Polly Snape, Carolyn Burkey
12:00 - 12:50
Connect Then Correct: Trauma, Attachment and ACEs from an Adult’s Point of View
This interactive session will change the way you lead and teach, revealing the profound impact of trauma, attachment and ACEs on student behaviour and learning. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
How to bring joy into your classroom without losing your mind.
Drawing on current research, Hywel will share approaches that will enable you to excel in your role. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
Be Resilient! Practical ways to Develop Resilient Pupils
This session is designed for participants to gain a deeper understanding as well as explore a kit bag of research-based practical approaches and strategies to support building resilience. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
Shape your World by Finding your Voice
In a world where education is busy, noisy, conflicted and in crisis, it is more important than ever for us to use our voice and to do that with confidence and clarity and in the full expectation that we will be heard. Read more...
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Catherine Sandland
12:00 - 12:50
To Pride or Not to Pride
In the last few years, holding a pride event has become a new trend in schools. Are these valuable additions to school or a gimmick? In this session, we will unpick the reasons for and against holding a pride in school, whether you should have a Pride club and alternative ways to engage with our community about LGBTQ+ identities and issues.
12:00 - 12:50
(Re-)discover your joy!
This seminar is based on one of the key principles of Appreciative Inquiry (a strengths-based process used for organisation-wide improvements, and in one-to-one coaching): “What you focus on, grows”.
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Frederika Roberts
12:00 - 12:50
Mini Me Yoga Ynys Mon: Strategaethau ioga a lles i blant cynradd
Cyfle i ddysgu sut i rannu technegau iechyd meddwl a lles i blant ar lawr dosbarth mewn modd syml a hwyl i blant ac athrawon. Cewch ragflas o strategaethau fwyaf poblogaidd rhaglenni Mini Me Yoga a sut i’w haddasu ar gyfer phob oedran a gallu.
12:00 - 12:50
Creadigrwydd Digidol ar draws y Cwricwlwm
Drwy gael y profiadau yn yr elfennau hyn bydd dysgwyr yn edrych ar ddulliau cyfathrebu electronig ac yn gwybod pa rai sydd fwyaf effeithiol. Bydd dysgwyr hefyd yn storio data ac yn defnyddio technegau cydweithio yn llwyddiannus. Darllen mwy...
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
Removing barriers to support behaviour for ALN / SEND pupils
This seminar will consider the barriers SEND / ALN pupils are facing in the classroom and around the school. We will look at basic strategies and approaches to remove these barriers and support positive behaviour for learning.
10:30 - 11:20 - 12:00 - 12:50 - 13:30 - 14:20
Games Galore!
Our workshop will guide you through adapting some of our simple outdoor games to cover any number of themes and Areas of Learning and Experience. Read more...
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Polly Snape, Carolyn Burkey
12:00 - 12:50
Promoting Staff Wellbeing in Education
In this session, Nicola will explore psychological safety, practical strategies to support emotional health, and a positive psychology model to stabilise and enhance mental wellbeing in the classroom and beyond. Read more...
13:30 - 14:20
Oracy – Pedagogy of Hope and Action
Hywel will explore the following: • Storytelling and learning: the research into how stories engage and motivate learners • Embracing enactive practice through Drama pedagogy to aid understanding across the curriculum • Encouraging great oracy across the curriculum spectrum • Moving from engagement to investment in learning • How to build towards transformational practice • We’ll also have a laugh!!
13:30 - 14:20
The Explosive Pupil! Anger Management for Schools and Colleges
This session is designed to give participants an insight into the characteristics and psychology of anger and explore and understand potential triggers. As well as tools, techniques and practical strategies to safely manage and deal with certain pupils/students and situations.
13:30 - 14:20
Bullying is so gay
LGBTQ+ pupils are more than twice as likely to be bullied in schools and despite all of the work to improve equality, these statistics are not improving. In this seminar, we will look at the reasons that bullying takes place, the mistakes that are often made when attempting to tackle bullying and what you can do to reduce bullying, and improve the lives of all pupils.
13:30 - 14:20
Supporting your students to communicate effectively
This session is designed to be fun and engaging for all attendees. Teachers will leave this session energised and inspired and will come away with strategies ready to implement within their classroom. Read more...
13:30 - 14:20
Resilience 2.0: Embracing Challenge & Change
Resilience 2.0 is about getting back to your classroom best. Sure, it’s a bold statement, but on your day you’re incredible. The truth? We need way more of those days. Read more...
13:30 - 14:20
Difference, not deficit: the AET’s approach to Good Autism Practice
The seminar will be jointly delivered by Dr. Sarah Broadhurst from the AET and Dr. Morwenna Wagstaff, the lead for AET in Monmouthshire. Read more...
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Dr Sarah Broadhurst , Dr Morwenna Wagstaff
13:30 - 14:20
Interactive STEM for cross-curriculum topics.
As a practical session you will get to have a go at some simple experiments that can be linked to multiple areas of learning and experience. The session will provide insight and tools into how STEM can be used to engage learners with broader topics and big questions. Read more...
13:30 - 14:20
Hybu Llythrennedd – adnoddau am ddim
Mae Gwasg Carreg Gwalch yn cyhoeddi straeon a nofelau deniadol a hwylus i ddarllenwyr dihyder. Mae gennym storfa o adnoddau addysgol a gweithgareddau hamdden (am ddim!) i gyd-fynd â'r cyhoeddiadau yma. Bydd Elen, Delyth a Myrddin yn cyflwyno'r cyfan yn y sesiwn hon.
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Myrddin ap Dafydd, Elen a Delyth Medi
13:30 - 14:20
Emotionally-based school avoidance
This seminar will look at the challenges for our pupils around emotions and wellbeing. Looking at how it can lead to school avoidance and some considerations and strategies to support them to engage.
10:30 - 11:20 - 12:00 - 12:50 - 13:30 - 14:20
Games Galore!
Our workshop will guide you through adapting some of our simple outdoor games to cover any number of themes and Areas of Learning and Experience. Read more...
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Polly Snape, Carolyn Burkey
13:30 - 14:20
7 common school leadership problems and how to fix them
Sonia Gill has worked with schools for over a decade and some problems come up time and time again. They can all be fixed. Learn what common problems exist, and how you can fix them.
15:00 - 15:50
Unlock your strengths – make life easier & more fun!
In this highly interactive seminar, you will be introduced to the VIA character strengths, and how working with strengths supports individual and whole school wellbeing and improves relationships inside and outside of work. Read more...
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Frederika Roberts
15:00 - 15:50
Support your students to succeed in the workplace and beyond
A practical and engaging session for educators looking to provide students with the key oracy skills needed to thrive in the classroom and beyond. This session will directly link to the four purposes of the Welsh curriculum and how to support students through those vital years in the secondary classroom.
15:00 - 15:50
Autistic Young Experts: the importance of centering lived experience
The seminar will be jointly delivered by Dr. Sarah Broadhurst from the AET and Dr. Morwenna Wagstaff, the lead for AET in Monmouthshire. If possible, a young person from Monmouthshire will also take part, though may prefer to record their input in advance. Read more...
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Dr. Sarah Broadhurst, Dr. Morwenna Wagstaff
15:00 - 15:50
Senior Mental Health Lead: Leading the Way with Impactful Whole School Wellbeing
This seminar is designed for Senior Mental Health Leads, offering essential strategies to foster a culture of whole-school wellbeing. Read more...
15:00 - 15:50
SEN Seminar
The Impact of Forest School on children with autism
The responses yielded a rich data set which formed several themes and dichotomies, proving that regular Forest School is impactful within school but the ripple effect is far reaching. Read more...
15:00 - 15:50
Some pupils press my buttons and leave me feeling desperate!
This seminar is a practical step-by-step trauma-informed guide for those who want to feel more confident, self-aware and in control when dealing with challenging pupils or situations. Read more...
15:00 - 15:50
Engaging parents in intervention
Parental engagement in education can benefit child attainment, attendance, and children’s motivation. Read more...
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Dr Margiad Williams, Dr Anwen Rhys Jones
15:00 - 15:50
Datblygu lles, gofal a chymorth yng nghyd-destun egwyddorion trochi.
Pwysigrwydd creu diwylliant priodol i blant gaffael iaith.
15:00 - 15:50
How can Charanga Cymru support me and give me confidence to teach music in my classroom?
Charanga Cymru's digital platform - available for free to all teachers - is a flexible medium suitable for teachers, whatever their musical experience. Read more...
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Manon Llwyd a Madeleine Casson
15:00 - 15:50
Magic commands the attention of children.
An opportunity for you to be amazed by some magic tricks and to experience it’s worth as it’s used to develop self confidence and strategies to cope with difficult emotions. Read more...