Finding the Fizz – pedagogy, practice, emotional well-being, hope and happiness.

In a world of ever changing educational policies and practices, it is the unique world of the child, growing, learning and experiencing the world with different learning experiences which counts. Data, tests and exams does not a great learner make. ‘Of Teaching, Learning & Sherbet Lemons’ is what education, schools, teaching and learning is all about. We need the solid exterior – the rigour, the rules, the systems and the structures – to make everything work. Getting through the hard shell makes going in search of the fizzy centre that much more satisfying, and it is here, at the core of teaching and learning, where the most magical things take place, where the real fizz happens. This is the part that really makes everything worthwhile – the chemical reaction that produces outstanding, innovative and motivational teaching and learning for everyone in and out of our classrooms, not just the few. And fizzy teaching and learning is great. It’s exciting, it wakes you up and, boy, does it give you some zing. Nina Jackson will inspire you to be the best you can be and ways to help children and young people find their fizz in learning.

This will be an interactive, practical day filled with joy, celebration, understanding self and others. For our children and ourselves as professionals. Pedagogy, Practice, Emotional Well-being, Hope and Happiness.


Nina Jackson

Education Consultant and Author

Language: English | Audience: All