Llandudno Show Seminars 2024
Our Seminars
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09:00 - 09:50
AI and Wellbeing in Education: Friend or Foe?
In this session we will delve into the complex relationship between AI and wellbeing, exploring the potential benefits and challenges associated with its implementation in educational settings.
09:00 - 09:50
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** Dyslexia and Dyspraxia – thinking outside the box
During the session, we will further develop understanding and knowledge of dyslexia and dyspraxia. Consider reassuringly uncomplicated strategies to enable students to enjoy lessons and succeed in class.
09:00 - 09:50
Working Effectively with your TA
In this session Sara Alston will look at • Some of the challenges of working effectively with TAs and how to overcome them • Building a team around children with additional learning needs • The importance of communication, particularly ways of sharing planning, feedback and information about the children. • The role of TA working within the classroom throughout the lesson • Working to prompt for independence and avoid children becoming prompt dependent.
09:00 - 09:50
Oracy in Welsh Classroom
A fun and interactive session for teachers and those working in education in Wales. We will dive into the importance of learning vital oracy skills from early years and how to implement strategies in your classroom. This session will directly link to the Welsh curriculum and delve into the multifaceted intervention that is required to support oracy development in schools in Wales. This session is designed to be practical and engaging for all attendees. Teachers will leave this session energised and inspired, ready to implement our tried and tested techniques within their classroom.
09:00 - 09:50
Navigating towards positive change in your school environment
When lost we use a compass and map to help navigate. Use Compass for Life (CfL) to create navigational tools to move your school, classroom, parental engagement, any aspect of school life, in a positive direction. CfL will help you to not only ensure you have a clear vision but that you can communicate effectively with all stakeholders. This helps to put the child at the centre of everything we do ensuring we are preparing them as 21st Century learners. This will be clear to internal and external parties – seeing the impact that having a common framework and language has.
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Floyd Woodrow MBE DCM LL.B
09:00 - 09:50
Responding to challenging questions in relationships and Sex Education
One of the reasons that many teachers are worried about teaching Relationships and sex education is about how to answer the questions that children and young people might raise. “What do I say if they ask THAT?!” This practical session will remind us of the importance of establishing group agreements at the start of the lesson, and consider some microscripts as the basis from which we can work. We will then practice responding to challenging questions in ways that support teacher confidence. Those with leadership responsibilities will be able to implement this as part of CPD in their own school.
09:00 - 09:50
***SOLD OUT** A whole school approach to supporting mental health & wellbeing in our school
When we are in a good place emotionally and socially our mental health and well-being can be nurtured and supported. It allows us to face life’s challenges, make confident life choices, feel good about ourselves and learn confidently. During this session Lorraine will offer support and guidance on developing a whole school approach to supporting mental health and well-being which includes all staff, parents and the wider community in the process.
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Lorraine Petersen
09:00 - 09:50
Change that Sticks: Whole School Improvement Through Appreciative Inquiry
Are you a school or college leader looking for ways to make improvements that “stick”, by involving all stakeholders (senior leadership team, teaching and non-teaching staff, pupils / students, parents/guardians, governors) in a meaningful way? Or do you work in a school or college and wish your leadership team involved you more in decisions/changes that affect your everyday working life? Frederika Roberts has been facilitating “Appreciative Inquiry for whole school improvement as part of her doctoral research and will share with you how this exciting strengths-based process can create meaningful and lasting change in your school or college.
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Frederika Roberts MAPP PGCE
09:00 - 09:50
Cam wrth Gam i gael plant i ‘sgwennu Cerddi
Grisiau bach yw dysgu plentyn i drin geiriau nes y bydd yn y diwedd yn cyfansoddi cerdd. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn cyflwyno ymarferion odli, cytseinedd a rhythm, creu llinellau a chreu penillion a fydd yn rhoi hyder i'r dosbarth (a'r athrawon!) gael hwyl gyda geiriau a chwilio am bosibliadau newydd. Ymarferion sylfaenol a chamau cyntaf fydd y rhain ond rhai y gall y dosbarth i gyd eu mwynhau. CA2.
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Myrddin ap Dafydd
09:00 - 09:50
Cerddamdani – Mentro, addysgu a mwynhau trwy gerddoriaeth
Ydych chi’n chwilio am ysbrydoliaeth i redeg sesiynau cerdd sy’n sbarduno plant ac yn magu hyder? Cerddor ac addysgwr yw Geth Tomos sy’n arbenigo mewn dysgu cerdd ym maes Addysg Arbennig. Mae ganddo brofiad eang o weithio yn y byd addysg yn ogystal a phrofiad o weithio’n agos gyda BBC NOW, No Fit State Circus a llawer mwy. Mae ei weithdai’n llawn syniadau ymarferol ar gyfer addysgu gwahanol agweddau ar gerdd a’r celfyddydau mynegiannol ar draws yr holl grwpiau oedran cynradd ac uwchradd yn ogystal ag Ysgolion AAA. Bydd yn dangos gweithgareddau unigryw a difyr, yn defnyddio pethau syml, bob dydd, i greu offerynnau ac ysbrydoli a bydd yn dangos sut i gyflwyno sesiynau cerdd sy’n ysgogi ac yn cynnau fflam creadigrwydd yn y disgyblion a’r staff. Dyma sesiwn ddelfrydol i addysgwyr sy’n chwilio am syniadau newydd ac sy’n creu cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol yn yr ysgol. Ymunwch â Geth Tomos, Cyfarwyddwr Creadigol Cerddamdani, am sesiwn hwyliog a difyr.
10:30 - 11:20
***SOLD OUT*** OMG! Why Won’t That Child Behave?
This why won’t that child behave seminar looks at some of the reasons why a handful of children/young people cause the greatest disruption and concerns within schools/colleges. These pupils may have severe difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviour and as a consequence often show inappropriate responses and feelings to situations. This seminar is full of practical strategies and interventions to take back to the classroom.
10:30 - 11:20
Botheredness: weaving narrative enquiry into great teaching.
In this session Hywel will show you how to get your children excited about their learning and producing great work as a result! The session will be fun, interactive, useful, and based in reality! All based on real classroom experiences and the bestselling book ‘Botheredness’.
10:30 - 11:20
SEN Seminar
New to the role of ALNCO – a step by step approach to developing the role in your school.
The role of the ALNCO is set out in Chapter 8 of The Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales 2021. This outlines the “musts” and “shoulds” of the role but what does this look like in a busy working week within a school. During this session, Lorraine will offer a step-by-step guide to what the ALN Code states is the role whilst offering support and guidance as to what this might look like in practice. The role can also feel very lonely and challenging at times and this session will give you an opportunity to network with other new to role or aspiring ALNCOs and pick up strategies and tools that are being used in schools to support you.
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Lorraine Petersen
10:30 - 11:20
**SOLD OUT** Differentiation V Adaptative Teaching V Scaffolding
This workshop will explore the concepts of Differentiation, Adaptive Teaching, and Scaffolding as great ways to empower educators with a deeper understanding of these instructional strategies. Each approach aims to support learners, but they have distinct characteristics and applications.
10:30 - 11:20
Head & Heart Leadership
This session will introduce The Head and Heart Leadership Programme. We will discuss the importance of leading from both your head and your heart and explore how to get the balance right. You will boost your knowledge about head and heart leadership and refine the skills needed to lead from your head and heart. The session is practical and will give you time to reflect on your own practice and apply learning to your own context.
10:30 - 11:20
Can I say boys and girls anymore?
There has never been a bigger focus on gender in schools and understandably, school leaders and teachers want to ensure that they are doing the best for their pupils. But what is age-appropriate, what are we allowed to say, and how can school staff ensure that they are supporting pupils without confusing those who are struggling with their identity? This workshop will discuss solutions to some of the difficulties of navigating gender in schools and you will leave with clear ways forward and a greater clarity on some of the biggest issues facing our young people today.
10:30 - 11:20
Is your school doing OK, but feeling a bit stuck?
You’re working hard, your team are working hard, your pupils are working hard…but it just doesn’t feel like you’re moving as far forward as you’d like. And you can’t ask even more of your team because you care about their well-being. Many schools feel like this: - ‘We seem to have the same problems on different days’ - ‘Just as things seem to be going right, something falls over’ - ‘We’re plate spinning all the time, it’s like trying to stick jelly to the wall!’ This talk will share why so many schools feel stuck like this and give powerful tools to help you get unstuck.
10:30 - 11:20
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** Sensory Behaviour, and Sensory Communication in a Crisis.
You may have heard a child’s behaviour described as “sensory”: what does that mean and is it justified? This seminar will explore the reality of behaviour that stems from sensory roots and explore how sensory communication strategies can be used to support ALL people in crisis, not only those deemed as having particular sensory needs.
10:30 - 11:20
**SOLD OUT** Ennyn diddordeb plant ifanc mewn amrywiaeth o bynciau gwyddonol gan ddefnyddio gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol
Bum mlynedd yn ôl ymunodd fy nith â mi yn y labordy ymchwil y bûm yn gweithio ynddo a dywedodd "Pe bai gen i wybodaeth wyddonol a oedd mor cŵl â hyn byddwn wedi astudio'n galetach". Dyma gychwyn fy musnes Menter Gwyddoniaeth Mawr. Mae pwysigrwydd annog diddordebau gwyddoniaeth mewn plant yn ysgol gynradd yn hanfodol bwysig cyn iddynt gyrraedd yr ysgol uwchradd. Drwy amrywiaeth o enghreifftiau o adnoddau gwyddoniaeth y gellir eu defnyddio, byddwn yn archwilio gweithgareddau yr wyf wedi’u defnyddio sy’n gweithio’n dda iawn o ran ennyn diddordeb plant mewn gwyddoniaeth a chaniatáu iddynt wireddu’r cyfoeth helaeth o gwmnïau STEM sydd gennym yma yng Nghymru y gall plant anelu at fod yn rhan o yn y dyfodol.
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Dr Helen Whiteland
10:30 - 11:20
**SOLD OUT** Outdoor Learning for the New Curriculum: Grab and Go
A workshop packed full of practical ideas to teach different aspects of the new curriculum across the whole of the primary age group. We’ll demonstrate plenty of engaging activities, using simple everyday resources, and show how they can be adapted time and time again to require minimal planning but maximum fun! Ideal for those who already have experience of Outdoor Learning and are looking for fresh ideas, or for anyone who is just starting out on their journey towards teaching outdoors more often.
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Carolyn Burkey, Polly Snape
12:00 - 12:50
Are You Dealing with Difficult People & Conversations?
This seminar is designed for those who want to develop a greater confidence and skill set in dealing with difficult people/situations at work. Having hard conversations or dealing with difficult people can be the source of stress and anxiety for school and college staff in all sorts of roles. Designed to help you prepare, no matter what the circumstances are, you’ll leave feeling empowered and more confident to deal with tricky situations.
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
Why we need a needs led approach to ALN/SEND
Too often responses to children who are struggling with learning is to ask, ‘What is wrong with them?’ This deficit model leads to a focus on diagnoses and often misses children’s strengths and motivators. In this seminar, Sara Alston will argue that often the diagnoses given to children are too wide to be truly helpful when identifying their education needs. Instead to provide children with the support they need, we need instead to focus on their needs. She will suggest practical ways of doing this.
12:00 - 12:50
‘Raisilient’ Learners: from surviving to thriving
The truth? We learn all sorts at school, except how to learn. If you don’t know how you learn, it’s impossible to take responsibility and self-regulate learning behaviors. ‘Resilience’ empowers all learners both in and out of the classroom. Will shares the concrete steps and stages guaranteed to help every child flourish. We can all learn to be better by getting better at learning. This session is innovative, thought-provoking and fun. Delegates will be equipped with a ten-point teaching plan to do things differently!
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** Cracking number fact recall!
This seminar is for those teachers and schools that feel they haven’t yet ‘cracked the system’ to make sure their children always have instant recall of number facts. The seminar will look at securing recall of addition facts. This is the foundation of any school’s primary maths provision, yet an area where schools tend to have least success. We will then explore how schools can implement a water-tight system for multiplication fact recall. A key feature of the seminar will be exploring how we actually teach recall of number facts, rather than simply giving children a space to practice.
12:00 - 12:50
The Four Pillars of Parental Engagement Enabling Pupils to be their Best.
Karen Dempster and Justin Robbins share The Four Pillars of Parental Engagement: Empowering schools to connect better with parents and pupils, including practical solutions relating to school–parent engagement and communication. Based on the book of the same name, Karen and Justin will help schools to take a planned, sustained approach to parental engagement as an integral part of a school’s approach to improving standards. An approach which starts with the school vision and positions parents and schools equally as fundamental to student learning.
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Karen Dempster, Justin Robbins
12:00 - 12:50
Compass for Life: Bringing the best theories together into practice
Covering all four cardinals of your CfL; both personal and professional perspectives. Super North Star (SNS) – your vision, where you are going on your journey. Ethos – your values and how these relate to all decisions you make. Strategist – your plan on how to get to your SNS and the milestones along the way. Warrior – the physical and metal resilience strategies you will need to help you on your journey and the confidence to take action. CfL will bring together all aspects of theoretical and practical training you have covered previously giving you a toolkit to move forward on your journey.
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Floyd Woodrow MBE DCM LL.B
12:00 - 12:50
Wellbeing: It’s not just a buzz-word
What is whole school wellbeing, and how do we achieve it? Former teacher Frederika Roberts has been training school leaders, teachers and students for a decade in ways to improve wellbeing through evidence-based practices based in positive psychology research. She has written/co-written and edited books on positive and character education and whole school wellbeing and is doing doctoral research on a strengths-based process involving all school stakeholders to improve wellbeing. In this seminar, she will share some simple and practical ways you can support your own wellbeing and that of your colleagues and students in your school or college.
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Frederika Roberts MAPP PGCE
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** Ioga, Sesiwn Lles i Blant Cynradd
Sesiwn hollol ymarferol yn modelu sut i gynnal sesiwn lles 30 munud ar lawr y dosbarth. Mi fydd y sesiwn yn mynd drwy gynllun syml yn cynnwys ioga, ymarferion anadlu a dulliau ymlacio. Addas ar gyfer addasu o ddosbarth Meithrin i Flwyddyn 6.
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Cari Wyn Rowlands
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** Outdoor Learning for the New Curriculum: Grab and Go
A workshop packed full of practical ideas to teach different aspects of the new curriculum across the whole of the primary age group. We’ll demonstrate plenty of engaging activities, using simple everyday resources, and show how they can be adapted time and time again to require minimal planning but maximum fun! Ideal for those who already have experience of Outdoor Learning and are looking for fresh ideas, or for anyone who is just starting out on their journey towards teaching outdoors more often.
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Carolyn Burkey, Polly Snape
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** I Hurt Inside; Making the Unconscious Conscious
Music therapy is a reality changer. Music can brighten your mood, reduce stress/ tension as well as improve physical health. Where children have experienced trauma, brain development may be interrupted, leading to functional impairments, affecting mental, emotional and behaviour; health. Within an education setting this can be difficult to manage because the child’s unconscious thoughts and feelings can manifest in a range of behaviours including; emotional regulation, disassociation, cognitive ability. Impulse control, self-image and eating disorders. Music Therapy can help and this session shows you how.
12:00 - 12:50
Cyflwyniad i raglen datblygu llafaredd Cymraeg ‘Ein Llais Ni – Datblygu Siaradwyr y Dyfodol’
Bwriad Ein Llais Ni yw: amlygu pwysigrwydd llafaredd yng nghwricwlwm yr ysgol ar draws pob maes dysgu a phrofiad ac yng nghyd-destun y Cwricwlwm i Gymru; cynnig syniadau a strategaethau y gallwch eu datblygu er mwyn annog a hybu medrau siarad a gwrando Cymraeg eich dysgwyr yn y dosbarth; darparu canllawiau i unrhyw un sy’n arwain y maes yn yr ysgol er mwyn rhoi lle amlwg a blaenllaw i lafaredd. Wrth i bob ymarferydd roi sylw bwriadus i lafaredd a’r holl ffactorau sy’n gysylltiedig â datblygu medrau siarad a gwrando, fe fydd yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar hyder a lles dysgwyr, cyfathrebu’n effeithiol gydag eraill a’u cefnogi i ddyfnhau eu dealltwriaeth ar draws y meysydd dysgu. Yn ystod y sesiwn, cewch gyflwyniad i wefan ‘Ein Llais Ni’ sy’n cynnig amrediad o ganllawiau a syniadau i ddatblygu’r amgylchedd ddysgu sy’n rhoi lle blaenllaw i lafaredd ar draws yr ysgol.
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Nicola Hughes a Bleddyn Humphreys
13:30 - 14:20
How to become a TA Superhero!
We will develop an understanding of the TA role and identify key strategies and techniques to aid learning in the classroom. Consider how to sel assess and develop practice with secure support ideas and good practice.
13:30 - 14:20
Storytelling Techniques that will get your kids Bothered!
In this session Hywel will give you some great storytelling and Drama approaches that will add another layer of experience for the children in your class. The session will be fun, thoughtful, and practical. All based on real classroom experiences and the bestselling book ‘Botheredness’.
13:30 - 14:20
TechWrite: empowering educators to elevate student writing.
Join this seminar to explore the benefits of leveraging technology to improve literacy skills. From sparking the intrinsic drive for creative and proficient writing to fostering skills for refining and editing work, this session aims to give teachers the tools necessary to ignite every aspect of the student writing journey. We will explore tech tools for reading, writing, refining work and mastering spelling, punctuation and grammar within the context of students’ own creative writing.
13:30 - 14:20
Effective Classroom Strategies for Neurodiverse Children and young People
This seminar will explore the principal overarching classroom strategies to support neurodiverse pupils. The session will include the following content areas: 1. How to structure and deliver personalised approaches. 2. Neurodiverse friendly classroom cultures and supporting communication and interaction. 3. How to encourage a strength based approach for neurodiverse learners. 4. A particular focus upon Working memory and executive functioning. 5. The centrality of engagement and how to plan for this. This evidence based session will refer to a range of neurodiverse conditions, including Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Tourette’s Syndrome.
13:30 - 14:20
The significance of oracy in and beyond the Welsh classroom
A practical and engaging session for educators looking to provide students with the key oracy skills needed to thrive in the classroom and beyond. This session will directly link to the four purposes of the Welsh curriculum and how to support students through those vital years in the secondary classroom. We’ll look at the effect of the pandemic in Welsh schools and why developing those soft skills is vital now more than ever. We will dive into the importance of oracy skills in the workplace and how to give your students the best chance at succeeding where it matters.
13:30 - 14:20
Is Health Education a Waste of Time?
This seminar suggests that some of the schemes of learning and pedagogy that educators are expected to follow are unlikely to produce the desired health outcomes for children and young people. We counter this by describing some evidence-informed approaches, which are more likely to enable children and young people to make pro-social, pro-health decisions and provide practical examples that teachers can take away and put into practice in their classrooms – without adding significantly to teachers’ workload.
13:30 - 14:20
Hidden autistic sensory differences in your classroom
Some sensory differences are very apparent, but hidden differences have a big impact too. This seminar will reveal some common sensory differences experienced by autistic people and explore their relevance to your classroom, showing how simple tweaks could make the environment more accessible and engaging for everyone.
13:30 - 14:20
Boundaries: How to thrive in teaching as a middle leader
Teachers who attend this session will gain: A clear understanding of the B.O.U.N.D.A.R.I.E.S. Framework and how boundaries can help them to thrive in teaching. A list of bespoke activities that will help them to thrive in teaching. These “non-negotiables” will help them to recharge and rejuvenate themselves before, during and after school. A set of tools they can use to manage their workload effectively. The ability to focus on priorities, helping to reduce feelings of overwhelm. This gives attendees a greater sense of control in their lives.
13:30 - 14:20
How we can build resilience in the kids in our care.
Teaching in the modern world can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to helping children navigate the challenges they may face. That's where Ashley Costello comes in. As a psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience and a parent and teacher herself, Ashley has a deep understanding of the concerns that teachers face. In her book, raising a resilient kid, Ashley offers practical advice and strategies to help build resilience in their children
13:30 - 14:20
Egwyddorion Trochi
Seminar yn canolbwyntio greu diwylliant priodol i blant gaffael iaith yn llwyddiannus.
13:30 – 14:20 - 13:30 – 14:20
**SOLD OUT** Outdoor Learning for the New Curriculum: Grab and Go
A workshop packed full of practical ideas to teach different aspects of the new curriculum across the whole of the primary age group. We’ll demonstrate plenty of engaging activities, using simple everyday resources, and show how they can be adapted time and time again to require minimal planning but maximum fun! Ideal for those who already have experience of Outdoor Learning and are looking for fresh ideas, or for anyone who is just starting out on their journey towards teaching outdoors more often.
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Carolyn Burkey, Polly Snape
15:00 - 15:50
Using physical activity as a catalyst to raising attitudes and attainment in Maths
With Well-being and Maths being two key areas for Welsh schools, learn how Active Maths lessons are transforming attitudes and attainment, whilst also creating healthier and happier children! Jon Smedley is an Educational Consultant with an expertise in using physical activity to raise attitudes and attainment in Maths He works with schools across the UK and Internationally, showing them how to adopt this approach into their curriculum and planning.
15:00 - 15:50
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** Understanding & Supporting ADHD
This session will be structured in two sections: 1. An overview of what ADHD is and isn’t, including up to date research, key features, diagnostic criteria, comorbidities, executive functioning impairments, emotional dysregulation and the different presentations of ADHD, including gender. 2. Strategies for the classroom- including support for executive functioning, anxiety, memory, communication, engagement and support for self-management.
15:00 - 15:50
Vocal Health Education for Teachers
Topics covered: -General health and well-being -Food and diet re the voice -What can we do if our voices/ throats feel sore, hoarse or uncomfortable? -Environmental factors -The voice itself – the mechanism / anatomy -How we think about our voice - Our everyday voice and our work voice, our instrument ‘Setting up’ of the vocal ‘instrument’ (speaking or singing) -Posture / Breathing / Resonance – How we can help our voice to grow, and produce our sound healthily.. . Factors that can potentially be harmful to our voices. Fun, physical and vocal exercises, rhymes, warm ups – the use of straws and glasses of water, balloons – and a song or round to finish.
15:00 - 15:50
Brick-by-Brick: building social and emotional wellbeing through collaborative LEGO® play
Play Included® is partners with the LEGO Foundation and is delighted to share its team’s expertise in how collaborative LEGO® play can be used to support social, communication and emotional development for children. Often used to support neurodivergent children, but relevant to all children in need of extra support, Play Included’s Brick-by-Brick® programme is an evidence-based approach that uses group LEGO play therapeutically. Find out about the international research into the programme, and how it can be used to support children in schools. Discover the power of learning through play!
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Dr Gina Gómez de la Cuesta
15:00 - 15:50
Overcoming Barriers To Learning
Conducting a session on generalist teaching and learning strategies for teachers to effectively support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This training will equip educators with the tools they need to create an inclusive classroom environment where all students can thrive. Here you will be presented with low and high effort strategies for addressing the barriers related to reading/decoding, listening/comprehending, writing, and time management issues that students face.
15:00 - 15:50
What the best schools do differently, and what they do the same?
Why do some schools do so much better than others? Is it because they have an easier demographic? More money? Better schemes of work? Often, it’s none of these things. And typically it’s nothing obviously different to what you’re doing. So, what is different? In this seminar we’ll clarify what is a ‘great school’ and share what is and isn’t different about them so you can apply this to your school for the benefit of your pupils.
15:00 - 15:50
Tech-timesavers: tools for teacher efficiency.
In a world of infinite online offerings and promises, it is hard to know which tools are genuinely useful, and which will simply clog our inboxes with SPAM. In this session, educators will be introduced to hand-selected, tried and tested, genuine time-savers. Teachers need to be allowed to reclaim their time while still maximizing educational impact. The session offers practical tools to streamline planning, assessment, and administration alongside an exploration of the latest trends in artificial intelligence.
15:00 - 15:50
Dych chi eisiau datblygu addysg yng Nghymru trwy weithio gyda phartneriaid rhyngwladol? Gall cyllid Taith Llwybr 2 helpu.
Bydd y sesiwn hon yn archwilio potensial partneriaethau rhyngwladol, cydweithredol i ddatblygu dulliau newydd o addysgu a dysgu, ac i ddatrys rhai o’r heriau mae addysg yng Nghymru yn eu hwynebu. Mae’r rhaglen Taith a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig grantiau i gefnogi rhannu gwybodaeth, arbenigedd a dysgu cydweithredol rhwng sefydliadau Cymreig a rhyngwladol i fynd i’r afael ag angen neu flaenoriaeth sector yng Nghymru. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn rhoi manylion i chi am y cyllid sydd ar gael i gefnogi prosiectau cydweithredu strategol, rhai astudiaethau achos o brosiectau cyfredol, ac yn amlygu manteision partneriaethau rhyngwladol.
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Rebecca Payne, Sion James