**SOLD OUT** Tuff Trays Outside
This session would be about setting up Tuff trays outside to extend and enrich the curriculum and progress children's learning.
What the best schools do differently, and what they do the same?
Why do some schools do so much better than others? Is it because they have an easier demographic? More money? Better schemes of work? Often, it’s none of these things. And typically it’s nothing obviously different to what you’re doing. So, what is different? In this seminar we’ll clarify what is a ‘great school’ and share what is and isn’t different about them so you can apply this to your school for the benefit of your pupils.
Guiding Pupils Through the Learning Pit
The Learning Pit is one of the most widely used models for teaching to emerge in the last 20 years. It was created by James Nottingham, one of our conference speakers. The purpose of the Learning Pit is to encourage pupils to more willingly step out of their comfort zone. When they do so – when they go beyond their current knowledge, understanding and abilities – they are likely to make progress.
**SOLD OUT** Coaching at heart of Organisational health and well-being
Developing a coaching culture will have the most positive impact on people working in schools and ultimately the children and their families. Coaching leaders and developing coaching in schools is a powerful way to equip people with the autonomy they need to shape the educational landscape where they work. Read more...
Brilliant Behaviour & Learning
Behaviour and Learning are the same thing; in truth – you can’t have one without the other. Sometimes, it feels like we don’t have either. Classroom practice is a struggle for everyone. Read more...
Tech-timesavers: tools for teacher efficiency.
In a world of infinite online offerings and promises, it is hard to know which tools are genuinely useful, and which will simply clog our inboxes with SPAM. In this session, educators will be introduced to hand-selected, tried and tested, genuine time-savers. Teachers need to be allowed to reclaim their time while still maximizing educational impact. The session offers practical tools to streamline planning, assessment, and administration alongside an exploration of the latest trends in artificial intelligence.
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** Supporting children with ALN in the mainstream classroom
During this session Lorraine will consider the complexity of needs of pupils in our mainstream classrooms today. She will discuss how we can identify the underlying needs and define some of the strategies, interventions and support that we can put in place to meet these needs.
**SOLD OUT** OMG! Why Won’t That Child Behave? Positive Behaviour Approaches
This why won’t that child behave seminar looks at some of the reasons why a handful of children/young people cause the greatest disruption and concerns within schools/colleges. These pupils may have severe difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviour and as a consequence often show inappropriate responses and feelings to situations. This seminar is full of practical strategies and interventions to take back to the classroom.
How the Heck can the rekenrek help build early number sense?
This is your chance to try a 20 bead rekenrek and leave with many ideas to use the very next day. You will be amazed at how this tool can be the mess-free answer for children developing a deeper understanding of number sense while naturally engaging in rich mathematical talk. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** Overcoming Barriers To Learning
Conducting a session on generalist teaching and learning strategies for teachers to effectively support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This training will equip educators with the tools they need to create an inclusive classroom environment where all students can thrive. Here you will be presented with low and high effort strategies for addressing the barriers related to reading/decoding, listening/comprehending, writing, and time management issues that students face.
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
Provision Mapping (Keeping track of what support students receive)
Join Abigail as she delves into the transformative potential of provision. Discover the essential principles of provision mapping and explore its significance, definition, visual representation, and progression from mapping to effective management. Uncover the reasons why provision maps are recommended and unlock the tools to maximise their potential. Read more...
O gael dy Gynnwys i fod yn Perthyn: Iaith a’r Pedwar Diben
Unieithog, dwyieithog, amlieithog, lluosieithog ... yn y sesiwn hon bydd Mererid Hopwood yn archwilio arwyddocâd y termau hyn yng nghyd-destun Cwricwlwm i Gymru, ac yn awgrymu sut y gall edrych o’r newydd ar iaith gyfrannu at y siwrnai tuag at y Pedwar Diben.