Cardiff Seminars 2024
Our Seminars
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09:00 - 09:50
Top Tips to Creating Standing Out Early Years in Your Setting
• Develop new skills in teaching of writing and maths • Learn how to fit everything into to a busy timetable • Utilise the outside classroom to full effect • Develop assessment ideas • Support CIW and ESTYN inspections
09:00 - 09:50
Is your school doing OK, but feeling a bit stuck?
You’re working hard, your team are working hard, your pupils are working hard…but it just doesn’t feel like you’re moving as far forward as you’d like. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Improve children’s skills through Taskmaster. Your time starts now
The seminar will be fun, interactive and educational, showing teachers how Taskmaster can be an engaging and inclusive vehicle for education at all ages. Read more....
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Dr Ali Struthers - & James Blake-Lobb
09:00 - 09:50
SEN Seminar
Autism: Behaviour Pattern or Neurotype?
This seminar explores the difference between understanding autism as a pattern of behaviours and understanding autism as a neurotype. Using real life examples we will explore the ‘house upon the rocks/house upon the sand’ distinction between these two understandings of autism, for the outcomes and wellbeing of your students and those around them, including you! Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Teacher as Storyteller: Curriculum for Wales and Professional Imagination
The session will be optimistic, useful and will offer colleagues ideas to apply to their practice immediately. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Dyslexia & Dyspraxia
During the session, we will further develop understanding and knowledge of dyslexia and dyspraxia. Consider reassuringly uncomplicated strategies to enable students to enjoy lessons and succeed in class.
09:00 - 09:50
Effective classroom strategies for neurodiverse children and young people.
This seminar will explore the principal overarching classroom strategies to support neurodiverse pupils. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
A Step by Step Guide to Adapting Teaching’
This workshop will explore the concepts of Differentiation, Adaptive Teaching, and Scaffolding as great ways to empower educators with a deeper understanding of these instructional strategies. Each approach aims to support learners, but they have distinct characteristics and applications.
09:00 - 09:50
Reducing Restrictive Practices in Schools – Prevention, De-escalation, and Consistent Responses.
Ollie will explain how some young people follow the rules and some follow people first. He will leave you with practical strategies to help busy adults deal with the angriest learners and present a rationale for why prevention has to be the cure. Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Mae’n cymryd Pentref
Ar ol blynyddoedd o lymder ariannol a phandemig rhyngwladol, mae ysgolion bellach yn ffeindio'u hunain yn fwyfwy allweddol i gefnogi teuluoedd. Byddwn yn trafod strategaethau i feithrin perthnasau cryfach gyda rhieni, i gyd-weithio gyda hwy i ddatblygu gwytnwch a sgiliau emosiynol, cyfathrebu ac academaidd eu plant.
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Sara Williams, Beca James
09:00 - 09:50
**SOLD OUT** Health and Wellbeing Outdoors – effective ways of engaging pupils
This practical hands-on workshop will awaken the senses and provide opportunities to connect with nature. Being outdoors provides real world experiences to promote thinking and problemsolving skills. This session will encourage participants to discover ways to improve motor skills and increase levels of physical activity as well as explore creativity and inspiration through easy activities and games. All of which encourage engagement in learning and increased academic achievement. Participants will be able to enhance their skills as a facilitator and understand the role of adults in the outdoor environment. The outdoors is a place to nurture ourselves and those around us. It helps to reduce stress and fatigue which in turn improves our health and wellbeing. The session will be outside in Bute Park, exploring the green heart of the city. Please bring outdoor clothing and sturdy shoes/wellies to wear.
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Cardiff Council Community Rangers and Education Team
09:00 - 09:50
Adaptive Teaching (with Winnie the Pooh)
The session, we inject a dose of whimsy by envisioning the beloved characters from Winnie the Pooh as our students. Brace yourself for an engaging and enthralling lesson about volcanoes, where we will delve into how adaptive teaching strategies can effectively support students of all learning styles. Oh, and calling all volunteers who can infuse the classroom with Tigger's spirited bouncing energy! Read more...
09:00 - 09:50
Intent, Implementation, Impact Subtitle: How to design and deliver an ambitious school curriculum
How to design an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum. How to plan and sequence the curriculum for progression.  How to ensure all learners - irrespective of their starting points, backgrounds and additional needs - can access the same curriculum and thrive.
10:30 - 11:20
Empower Your Wellbeing: The 7 Pillars of Self-Care for Educators
Self-care must be the number one priority for all. Many educators are burning the candle at both ends, striving to provide the best for their students while struggling with feelings of isolation. In short, they are neglecting their Mental Wealth. This seminar will help you build the foundational pillars of well-being with a support network fit for the road ahead.
10:30 - 11:20
Brick-by-Brick: building social and emotional wellbeing through collaborative LEGO® play
Play Included® is partners with the LEGO Foundation and is delighted to share its team’s expertise in how collaborative LEGO® play can be used to support social, communication and emotional development for children. Read more...
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Dr Gina Gómez de la Cuesta
10:30 - 11:20
Personalised Learning for every pupil
Unlock the potential of every learner by providing inspirational and positive experiences. This session focuses on personalising learning through tools and functionalities available on your existing school devices. Whether utilising Apple, Google, or Microsoft platforms, we’ll explore a wealth of free resources, ensuring budget constraints don’t limit educational innovation. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT**Sensory communication for crisis situations
The seminar will hold particular relevance to those supporting students with sensory differences who may experience distress more frequently than others and express this through their behaviour. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
The 3Es of Inclusion: Making the classroom work for working-class students
Working-class students start out at a disadvantage and the education system fails to close the gap. Working-class students get worse outcomes, are less likely to go to university, are less likely to find fulfilling and well-paid employment, and experience worse health and wellbeing. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
Cracking number fact recall!
This seminar is for those teachers and schools that feel they haven’t yet ‘cracked the system’ to make sure their children always have instant recall of number facts. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
Closing the disadvantage gap: We need to talk about Jason
This session will focus on children and young people who grow up in poverty. Jean will explore myths and wrong turnings in our efforts to close the gap in attainment between these disadvantaged learners and their peers. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
Are You Dealing with Difficult People & Conversations?
This seminar is designed for those who want to develop a greater confidence and skill set in dealing with difficult people/situations at work. Having hard conversations or dealing with difficult people can be the source of stress and anxiety for school and college staff in all sorts of roles. Designed to help you prepare, no matter what the circumstances are, you’ll leave feeling empowered and more confident to deal with tricky situations.
10:30 - 11:20
Botheredness: Drama Approaches for Great Learning
In this beginner-friendly session, Hywel will explore • Why Drama helps with behaviour • Using Drama to deepen learning and understanding • How Drama is a key pedagogy supporting the Four Purposes • When Drama can be used to connect with the community and the world • Why it’s NOT about acting. This session will offer key takeaways to use in class straightaway
10:30 - 11:20
**SOLD OUT** Compass for Life (CfL) – bringing the best theories together into practice
Covering all four cardinals of your CfL; both personal and professional perspectives. Super North Star (SNS) – your vision, where you are going on your journey. Ethos – your values and how these relate to all decisions you make. Strategist – your plan on how to get to your SNS and the milestones along the way. Warrior – the physical and metal resilience strategies you will need to help you on your journey and the confidence to take action. CfL will bring together all aspects of theoretical and practical training you have covered previously giving you a toolkit to move forward on your journey.
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Floyd Woodrow MBE DCM LL.B
10:30 - 11:20
Working Effectively with your TA
In this session Sara Alston will look at • Some of the challenges of working effectively with TAs and how to overcome them • Building a team around children with additional learning needs • The importance of communication, particularly ways of sharing planning, feedback and information about the children. • The role of TA working within the classroom throughout the lesson • Working to prompt for independence and avoid children becoming prompt dependent.
10:30 - 11:20
**SOLD OUT** Health and Wellbeing Outdoors – effective ways of engaging pupils
The outdoors is a place to nurture ourselves and those around us. It helps to reduce stress and fatigue which in turn improves our health and wellbeing. The session will be outside in Bute Park, exploring the green heart of the city. Please bring outdoor clothing and sturdy shoes/wellies to wear. Read more...
10:30 - 11:20
**SOLD OUT** Symud drwy Stori a Ioga
Sesiwn symud hwyliog yng nghwmni Leisa Mererid wrth iddi eich tywys drwy ei llyfr diweddaraf 'Y Seren Ioga'. Dewch i ddilyn taith seren fach sydd ar goll. Daw wyneb yn wyneb a sawl rhwystr a sawl creadur 'anghyfarwydd' wrth iddi drio dod o hyd i'w ffordd adre.
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** Tuff Trays Outside
This session would be about setting up Tuff trays outside to extend and enrich the curriculum and progress children's learning.
12:00 - 12:50
What the best schools do differently, and what they do the same?
Why do some schools do so much better than others? Is it because they have an easier demographic? More money? Better schemes of work? Often, it’s none of these things. And typically it’s nothing obviously different to what you’re doing. So, what is different? In this seminar we’ll clarify what is a ‘great school’ and share what is and isn’t different about them so you can apply this to your school for the benefit of your pupils.
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
Guiding Pupils Through the Learning Pit
The Learning Pit is one of the most widely used models for teaching to emerge in the last 20 years. It was created by James Nottingham, one of our conference speakers. The purpose of the Learning Pit is to encourage pupils to more willingly step out of their comfort zone. When they do so – when they go beyond their current knowledge, understanding and abilities – they are likely to make progress.
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** Coaching at heart of Organisational health and well-being
Developing a coaching culture will have the most positive impact on people working in schools and ultimately the children and their families. Coaching leaders and developing coaching in schools is a powerful way to equip people with the autonomy they need to shape the educational landscape where they work. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
Brilliant Behaviour & Learning
Behaviour and Learning are the same thing; in truth – you can’t have one without the other. Sometimes, it feels like we don’t have either. Classroom practice is a struggle for everyone. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
Tech-timesavers: tools for teacher efficiency.
In a world of infinite online offerings and promises, it is hard to know which tools are genuinely useful, and which will simply clog our inboxes with SPAM. In this session, educators will be introduced to hand-selected, tried and tested, genuine time-savers. Teachers need to be allowed to reclaim their time while still maximizing educational impact. The session offers practical tools to streamline planning, assessment, and administration alongside an exploration of the latest trends in artificial intelligence.
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** Supporting children with ALN in the mainstream classroom
During this session Lorraine will consider the complexity of needs of pupils in our mainstream classrooms today. She will discuss how we can identify the underlying needs and define some of the strategies, interventions and support that we can put in place to meet these needs.
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Lorraine Petersen
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** OMG! Why Won’t That Child Behave? Positive Behaviour Approaches
This why won’t that child behave seminar looks at some of the reasons why a handful of children/young people cause the greatest disruption and concerns within schools/colleges. These pupils may have severe difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviour and as a consequence often show inappropriate responses and feelings to situations. This seminar is full of practical strategies and interventions to take back to the classroom.
12:00 - 12:50
How the Heck can the rekenrek help build early number sense?
This is your chance to try a 20 bead rekenrek and leave with many ideas to use the very next day. You will be amazed at how this tool can be the mess-free answer for children developing a deeper understanding of number sense while naturally engaging in rich mathematical talk. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** Overcoming Barriers To Learning
Conducting a session on generalist teaching and learning strategies for teachers to effectively support students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This training will equip educators with the tools they need to create an inclusive classroom environment where all students can thrive. Here you will be presented with low and high effort strategies for addressing the barriers related to reading/decoding, listening/comprehending, writing, and time management issues that students face.
12:00 - 12:50
**SOLD OUT** Health and Wellbeing Outdoors – effective ways of engaging pupils
This session will encourage participants to discover ways to improve motor skills and increase levels of physical activity as well as explore creativity and inspiration through easy activities and games. All of which encourage engagement in learning and increased academic achievement. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
SEN Seminar
Provision Mapping (Keeping track of what support students receive)
Join Abigail as she delves into the transformative potential of provision. Discover the essential principles of provision mapping and explore its significance, definition, visual representation, and progression from mapping to effective management.  Uncover the reasons why provision maps are recommended and unlock the tools to maximise their potential. Read more...
12:00 - 12:50
O gael dy Gynnwys i fod yn Perthyn: Iaith a’r Pedwar Diben
Unieithog, dwyieithog, amlieithog, lluosieithog ... yn y sesiwn hon bydd Mererid Hopwood yn archwilio arwyddocâd y termau hyn yng nghyd-destun Cwricwlwm i Gymru, ac yn awgrymu sut y gall edrych o’r newydd ar iaith gyfrannu at y siwrnai tuag at y Pedwar Diben.
13:30 - 14:20
The Power of Play: A playful approach to teaching and learning.
During the seminar, Gina will discuss the research behind learning through play, how practitioners can be more playful in their own settings and how practitioners can use play to support neurodivergent children’s learning specifically.
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Dr Gina Gómez de la Cuesta
13:30 - 14:20
How to Boost your Own Emotional Health and Wellbeing So You Have More Energy For Yourself and Others
It is easy to ignore our own wellbeing needs, but adults need to role model good wellbeing and to keep it high on school agendas. Read more...
13:30 - 14:20
Head and Heart Leadership
This session will introduce The Head and Heart Leadership Programme. We will discuss the importance of leading from both your head and your heart and explore how to get the balance right. You will boost your knowledge about head and heart leadership and refine the skills needed to lead from your head and heart. The session is practical and will give you time to reflect on your own practice and apply learning to your own context.
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Bethan Harding MBE
13:30 - 14:20
An introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma
This course will support schools in identifying and supporting those children who may have had adverse childhood experiences leading to trauma and attachment issues. Read more...
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Lorraine Petersen
13:30 - 14:20
SEN Seminar
Understanding and Supporting ADHD.
This session will be structured in two sections: 1. An overview of what ADHD is and isn’t, including up to date research, key features, diagnostic criteria, comorbidities, executive functioning impairments, emotional dysregulation and the different presentations of ADHD, including gender. 2. Strategies for the classroom- including support for executive functioning, anxiety, memory, communication, engagement and support for self-management.
13:30 - 14:20
How to become a TA Superhero!
We will develop an understanding of the TA role and identify key strategies and techniques to aid learning in the classroom. Consider how to self assess and develop practice with secure support ideas and good practice.
13:30 - 14:20
Navigating towards positive change in your school environment
CfL will help you to not only ensure you have a clear vision but that you can communicate effectively with all stakeholders. This helps to put the child at the centre of everything we do ensuring we are preparing them as 21 st Century learners. Read more...
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Floyd Woodrow MBE DCM LL.B
13:30 - 14:20
SEN Seminar
Why we need a needs led approach to ALN/SEND
Too often responses to children who are struggling with learning is to ask, ‘What is wrong with them?’ This deficit model leads to a focus on diagnoses and often misses children’s strengths and motivators. In this seminar, Sara Alston will argue that often the diagnoses given to children are too wide to be truly helpful when identifying their education needs. Instead to provide children with the support they need, we need instead to focus on their needs. She will suggest practical ways of doing this.
13:30 - 14:20
Creadigrwydd Digidol
Galluogi myfyrwyr i ennill set gynhwysfawr o sgiliau fydd yn eu galluogi i ddefnyddio technoleg yn hyderus a chreadigol. Datblygu cenhedlaeth newydd o ddinasyddion digidol hyderus, sy'n medru rhyngweithio a chydweithio ag eraill ar lein, i gynhyrchu amrywiaeth o gynnwys digidol amlgyfrwng gwreiddiol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
13:30 - 14:20
**SOLD OUT** Health and Wellbeing Outdoors – effective ways of engaging pupils
This session will encourage participants to discover ways to improve motor skills and increase levels of physical activity as well as explore creativity and inspiration through easy activities and games. Read more...
13:30 - 14:20
SEN Seminar
**SOLD OUT** The spider’s web of trust
Human connection is key to building relationships in schools. relationships between children, parents and staff. This seminar will look at how to build these relationships in a human, empathetic manner so that they remain strong enough when we have to have those ‘tricky conversations’. It will feature the work of Brene Brown alongside the PACE approach and The Solihull Approach as ways to build these connections and form trust.
13:30 - 14:20
From Inclusion to Belonging: Language and the Four Purposes
Monolingual, bilingual, multilingual, plurilingual ... in this session Mererid Hopwood will explore the meaning of these terms in the context of Curriculum for Wales and suggest how looking again at language can contribute to the journey towards the Four Purposes.
15:00 - 15:50
Collaborative Technologies in Schools
Tailored for educators following the Curriculum for Wales, this session will explore how these tools can enhance collaborative opportunities within the classroom, equipping attendees with invaluable skills and knowledge. Read more...
15:00 - 15:50
Body Image: Building Resilience
Body Image: Building Resilience. An introduction to Dove Self-Esteem Project resources for Primary and Secondary. All delegates will leave with a free USB stick with resources. Read more...
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Martin Staniforth
15:00 - 15:50
How Field Studies Council can help you build a primary outdoor learning toolkit.
This practical session will explore the ways in which we can use the outdoors to build resilience, confidence and academic success at primary. With practical ideas to try and tips to make the most of outdoor learning we will explore how Field Studies Council can support your outdoor learning experiences. Read more...
15:00 - 15:50
Vocal Health Education for teachers.
Fun, physical and vocal exercises, rhymes, warm ups – the use of straws and glasses of water, balloons – and a song or round to finish. Read more...
15:00 - 15:50
TechWrite: empowering educators to elevate student writing.
Join this seminar to explore the benefits of leveraging technology to improve literacy skills. From sparking the intrinsic drive for creative and proficient writing to fostering skills for refining and editing work, this session aims to give teachers the tools necessary to ignite every aspect of the student writing journey. We will explore tech tools for reading, writing, refining work and mastering spelling, punctuation and grammar within the context of students’ own creative writing.
15:00 - 15:50
Why Trauma-Informed Settings are Essential
The aim of the session is to offer an understanding of the impact caused by Adverse Childhood Experiences and the resultant impact on pupils’ learning and progress. • Effects of trauma on life and learning • What cutting-edge brain science and psychological research can tell us • The traumatised child: Healing brain, mind and body. • Relational stress and relational poverty: The long-term impact on the child’s mind and brain and interventions that work. The seminar will outline how to develop school practice and capacity to support mental health, for children and adults in all services and walks of life.
15:00 - 15:50
How the Heck can the rekenrek help build late number sense?
Where are you on your rekenrek journey? If you are interested in encouraging mathematical talk, reasoning, deeper understanding and daily practice in a hands-on visual method, then this session is for you. You truly have to see it to believe it. This is your chance to try a 100 bead rekenrek and leave with simple ideas to use the very next day. You will be amazed at how this tool can be the mess-free answer for children developing a deeper understanding of late number sense while naturally engaging in rich mathematical talk.
15:00 - 15:50
‘Hwyliaith’ / ‘Welsh made fun’
Ffa-la-la has created a unique methodology that uses song and creative activities to improve Welsh speaking ability. This high energy workshop is for Non-Welsh speakers and Welsh speakers alike and will focus on introducing simple Welsh language patterns in a simple and fun way.
15:00 - 15:50
**SOLD OUT** Health and Wellbeing Outdoors – effective ways of engaging pupils
This session will encourage participants to discover ways to improve motor skills and increase levels of physical activity as well as explore creativity and inspiration through easy activities and games. All of which encourage engagement in learning and increased academic achievement.
15:00 - 15:50
SEN Seminar
Follow The Empathy Road
This seminar will look at Ginny’s lived experiences of building relationships with families when a child comes to our school ‘mid school career’ and parents have put barriers up because of what has happened to them in previous settings. She will look at ‘Logos, ethos and pathos’ as a way to navigate those first tricky conversations. She will look at ways to set up meetings so that everyone feels listened to in a nurturing environment.